Planner as Trainer, People not Paper 

The resiliency planners job is to train, coach, and oversee a business unit's resiliency   program activities. Resiliency means people are knowledgeable, trained, & ready.   

  • LIVE Instructor  
  • Phil Lambert
  • Next LIVE Class:    June 12th  
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Course overview
In this groundbreaking workshop, you'll learn how to engage people by establishing buy-in, ownership, and participation at every level.
Once engaged you'll learn how to design, develop, and facilitate different types of training sessions. Understand how to develop powerful learning aids for the program participants. And learn what makes a great training facilitator.

  • Live Instructor Lead Workshop
  • Interactive hands-on workshop
  • 1 Day - 4 hrs 
  • Certificate & CEU's Awarded 
  • Access On-Demand for 12 months

Most business continuity planners struggle with engaging people to take part in the planning process. Support from the organization often lacks any sense of urgency to spend time on business continuity. We're spending our wheels, and making little progress. 

Lambert Learning can help eliminate the daily issues of resistance and build a long-term engagement and training program that makes planning easier.

With the Rapid Continuity training system, and the proper training to use it, business unit employees stop complaining, begin participating, and achieve more outcomes in a shorter amount of time. Then the BC Planner finally has time to work on developing relationships and program maturity.

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Design effective training sessions that grab people’s attention, draw them into the course, and equip them with practical action items.


Develop training aids that simplify the training content, short sessions with high levels of content, and create learning environments that stimulate learning. 


Facilitate just the right training to help learners gain, retain, and apply knowledge. Engage students with interactive, energizing, practical content.


Celebrate that people are engaged, equipped, and empowered. That means less resistance, lower stress, and more celebrating.  

Planner as Trainer | People not Paper
LIVE Instructor Lead Virtual Workshop

One 4 Hour Live Virtual Session  |  Class Meets on Wednesday @ 11:00a Central Time  
Certificate & 4 CPU's Awarded


Learn how to engage people into the process of business continuity to establish buy-in, ownership, and participation.


Learn how to institute the appropriate tactics, supply the right tools, and train people accurately to achieve program outcomes.


Learn how to structure the BC Program team members for success and maturity, as
they develop their people, documentation, and resources. 
   Resiliency begins when people are engaged, equipped, and empowered
to respond with purpose, clarity, and resolution to any adversity or challenge.